
These leaders represent the congregation in overseeing Trinity's mission and ministry

What is a "vestry"?

In the Anglican tradition, the “vestry” is what other churches might call a “church board.” It’s the leadership body responsible for the parish.

What does “vestry” mean?

“Vestry” originally referred to the room in the church “in which the vestments, vessels, and other requisites for Divine worship are kept and in which the clergy robe” (The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church). However, since the vestry was the room in which church business meetings took place, the word also came to mean “an elective body…composed of the rector and a group of elected parishioners administering the temporal affairs of the parish” (Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary).

What does the vestry do?

The vestry in an Anglican church meets routinely, usually monthly, to give leadership and oversight to the mission and ministry of the congregation.

The information above is excerpted from the Anglican Compass. Please visit that page to learn even more about what it means to serve on vestry.

At Trinity, vestry members serve a term of 3 years, with 3 members rotating off the vestry each year in the spring. Three new members are elected annually at the Annual Meeting and begin serving that month (March).

Who are the members of Trinity's vestry?


  • Jeff Zoller (fulfilling Mac Corbitt's term)
  • Merrill Hicks
  • Jack Willis, Junior Warden


  • Karla George, Senior Warden
  • Jordan Jones
  • Greg Lang


  • Jim Cable
  • Brian Higgins
  • Vic McMillan