In early 2006, a group of Episcopalians gathered in homes to begin praying about planting an Anglican church in Thomasville, GA. Led entirely by lay people, they built relationships with other Anglican congregations in the area for prayer and direction as well as Anglican churches world-wide who welcomed us and let us “stay on their porch” (gave us oversight) until the Anglican Church in North America was officially formed.
After a season of prayer and discernment, Trinity was led to a dilapidated, abandoned building in downtown. Rather than build something new on the outskirts of town, the community felt called to establish a church in the heart of the city, to be both a witness and a blessing to downtown Thomasville.

Our church building, completed in 2009, is located “on the bricks” at 325 West Jackson Street. With a beautiful sanctuary, parish hall, children’s worship center, classrooms, playground, choir room, organ, and business offices, the construction of our building helped to begin the revitalization of this historic section of downtown. A Creative District Vision Plan was formed in 2014 by the city of Thomasville and in 2018, Thomasville officially re-named this section of downtown “The Bottom” to honor and highlight its cultural significance from 1900 to 1970 when African Americans, Greek Americans and Jewish business owners “came together to form a caring community.” Our location, adjacent to the City’s Ritz Amphitheater, allows us to continue this tradition by being a vital part of downtown and our community. (Thomasville-Times Enterprise, June 8, 2021)
Father Jim Hobby served as Trinity’s first Rector for nine years, before being elected Bishop of Pittsburgh. In 2016, we welcomed Father David Trautman as our second Rector. In 2024, Rev. Morgan Clark was instituted as our third rector.