Palm Sunday
April 13 at 10am
Join us for a joyful procession with palms on this Sunday that we remember Jesus's triumphal entry into Jerusalem as well as his betrayal and arrest. The service will also include a dramatic reading of the passion narrative. Nursery care (3 and under) will be provided.
Maundy Thursday
communion service with footwashing
April 17 at 6:30pm
Jesus shared his last meal with his disciples on the Thursday evening before he was crucified and then washed their feet. Join us for this special service that will conclude with foot washing. Nursery care (3 and under) will be provided.
Stations of the Cross
interactive outdoor experience
April 18 at 5:30pm
Join Angela Jones for a guided, interactive experience of the Stations of the Cross on Trinity's front lawn just prior to the evening Good Friday service.
Good Friday
April 18 at 12pm
First Presbyterian will join Trinity for a joint worship service at noon in the nave.
April 18 at 6:30pm
Join us as we reflect, remember, and re-tell the story of the Good Friday that changed the course of history. Nursery care (3 and under) will be provided.
April 20 at 10am
He is risen! Join us for a joyful resurrection service followed by a light reception and egg hunt. Nursery care (3 and under) will be provided.